Do your Homework
Find out as much as possible about the company prior to the interview. A good starting point is to look up their website and find out about the products and services they offer, the location of the office/s, and the number of employees.
Interviews are two way meetings. Not only are they an opportunity for the interviewer to find out about you and if you are a suitable candidate for the position but they are also an opportunity for you to find out about the organisation and if the position will provide you with the challenge and job satisfaction you are looking for.
Prepare some questions to ask at the interview.
At the first interview it would be wise to restrict your questions to the details of the job and the organisation. Salary and benefit discussions are best left until a second interview or a job offer is made.
Dress code and Appearance
Ensure you are well groomed with tidy hair, clean shoes and clothing. Do not wear too much perfume or aftershave and keep make-up, jewellery and nail polish simple.
Travel and Timing
Plan your journey beforehand to ensure you arrive a few minutes early. Allow for possible travel delays. Just in case of a major hold up, make sure you have your contact’s telephone number so that you can call if you suspect you will be late.
The Interview
Interviews come in many forms – panel interviews, one to one interviews, group interviews etc. There are many different interview styles and each interviewer will have their own style. Some interviewers will fire questions at you while others will start off with an open question such as “tell me about yourself” leaving you to do most of the talking. The majority of interviews will be somewhere between the two. Be prepared for any style of interview.
Two-way communication
Make sure the employer knows the benefits of employing you. It is most important to sell yourself by telling the employer details of your relevant skills and experience that you have to contribute to the organisation.
Try not to monopolise the meeting – let your interview talk.
Find out what the key parts of the candidate specification are so you can show how you meet them.
Ask how the job contributes to the success, efficiency and profitability of the organisation.
Show that you have done some research.
Don’t give negative information or bad news if you are not asked for it and don’t criticise previous employers or jobs. The key is to turn negative information into positive information.
The next steps
Agree exactly what the next steps will be, such as who will contact you to let you know if you have been successful and by when. You should also find out whether there will be second interviews and who will conduct them. If you are really interested in the position make sure you tell the interviewer.
Everything is negotiable. If the final offer is not what you had hoped for, ask the consultancy to talk to the client. Say that you like the job but the package is not up to your expectations and ask if the company can be flexible.
You can’t prepare for every question that will come up at the interview, but you can anticipate most of them. Here are some of the deadliest questions, and ways of handling them.
Plan carefully. Do you know where you are going and how to get there? Who are you seeing?
Make sure you know the names of the people who will be interviewing you. Practice saying them if they are difficult to pronounce.
There’s no such thing as enough preparation for an interview. Find out everything you can about the company and what it makes or does. Look for current news – show you are up to date.
Why does this job exist? What problems will it solve? What are the Key Result Areas?
Remember: employers buy experience. Think about what evidence of achievement you can talk about at the interview; rehearse your success stories.
Work out what is appropriate in terms of everything you present, including yourself. Look the part, and you will feel it. Dress as if you are already doing the job.
Second guess the employer’s “shopping list” from the job details – what skills/qualities/experience do you have to match?
Be your own worst interview nightmare. What is the most difficult question you might have to face? Practice the answer. Practice again.
Be upbeat. Employers latch on to negative messages, so don’t give them any.
Prepare for rejection. On balance you will be rejected more times than accepted. Even if you don’t get the job, you can learn a huge amount about your perceived market value. Remember – there’s a job out there for you somewhere – more people are working in the UK than ever before.